
So...what exactly is this thing?

Glad you asked! Think of it mostly as a costumed mystery party. You'll be assigned a character - name, history, personality - the whole deal. You'll have certain goals to accomplish during the night: people you have to talk to, stories to tell, tasks to accomplish. The whole evening, you'll be part of the drama as Sir Walter searches for the fugitive, (kinda like a 'choose your own adventure' story).
But really, the whole thing is an excuse to wear crazy costumes, eat crazy food, and have crazy fun with some crazy people. Dancing on the table is purely optional (but totally encouraged).

And who, exactly, are you?
We're the Blakeslee and Pendergist families - mostly spurred on by the feverish brain of Rebecca. Despite having a website and a dedicated email address, this isn't a major, formal event so don't get scared off. 

What's the cost?
There isn't one. We are asking guests to bring medieval food (we'll provide recipes), but if that's too difficult for some reason, we're asking $5/person or $10/family to cover the cost of food.

Can my kids come?
Yes! This is a family event, so as long as everyone is willing to come in costume and play their assigned character, then they are more than welcome. No spectators though, and kids under 16 must come with a parent or responsible older sibling

Is there a script? Do I have to memorize lines?
Um, no - just a plot (and we're not telling). You don't have to memorize anything except the details of your character. And if you forget, make it up! (There's more about being in character here.)

Do I have to wear a costume?
Most definitely YES! Relax, it's easy. Check out the handy Costume page. And if you still have problems, just let us know and we'll help you out.

But I don't know ANYTHING about the Middle Ages.
No worries. We'd love if you were all completely authentic and showed up spewing forth middle english...but mostly we just want you to come. You can brush up on some general guides to the times by checking out the Historical page.

I'm thinking about coming from a distance, because I know how much crazy fun this will be. Can I spend the night?
Please do! Camping will be available the night of the event - and probably the night before if you ask very nicely, and are willing to help us set up.

Can I bring a friend?
By all means - the more random strangers that show up, the happier we'll be.

I can't come, but I think I know someone who would like to. Can I tell them about this?
See above! If your friends are cool with meeting us dressed in strange costumes and pretending to be other people - we're cool with it.

I'm a completely random stranger that stumbled on your website. Can I come?
Good question. Drop us an email ([email protected]) and we'll talk.

Can I bring animals?
Um, we'll get back to you on that one. If you have a horse/s we can borrow, we're all over it.